Hi Members, here are a few external competitions that are closing soon that you may be interested in. Included is info sent over about Salon of Excellence.

  1. APS National (myphotoclub.com.au) – closes 15 March
  2. PSQ: Salon of Excellence Queensland (myphotoclub.com.au) – closes 17 March.

Dear PSQ affiliated camera clubs

This is a final reminder to all camera clubs that the 2024 Salon of Excellence competition entries close within two weeks on Sunday March 17. Club secretaries could you please circulate this reminder to all club members.

Entries will be submitted via the SEQ MyPhotoClub website https://psq-seq.myphotoclub.com.au/. Detailed information, including the invitation document, is available on the website.

Subjects are: Open Colour, Open Mono, People (Colour or Mono), Nature (Colour), Social Documentary (Mono) and Creative (Colour or Mono).

There are both Print and Digital competitions, with separate competitions for A Grade and Non A Grade competitors.

This is a wonderful opportunity for all members to participate in a Queensland-wide competition and to test your skills beyond your own club competition. We would especially encourage Non A Grade members to take advantage of the opportunity.

While this is primarily an individual competition, it is also a chance for clubs to compete against one another, with trophy awarded to clubs with the highest overall points, the highest average points (to encourage smaller clubs) and most number of Acceptances. 

We look forward to continuing support for this longstanding competition.

Kind regards

Martin Riley

President, Queensland Camera Group


3. Drone Photo Awards | Siena Awards (droneawards.photo) – closes 1 April