ken york

Photography bio

Photography biography - is displayed as your judging experence
I first got into photography back in the mid 80's at college, were I was using a film camera, and developing my own film images, and I actually made a pinhole camera, with some interesting results. as with many things, life gets in the way, and unfortunately I stopped doing photography, until 2017 when i brought a Nikon D5400 with an 18-55mm kit lens on a trip to Sydney. initially i was keen on Astro photography, but i did a steel wool, and light trail photography session one evening in Rockhampton, and from then on i was hooked!!!! Whilst i like to shoot as many genres as i can, light painting is by far my biggest passion, to the point that i hold regular light painting workshops in my local area, and also further south. I hosted 2 workshops for the 2023 PSQ convention in Rockhampton, and i am provisionally booked to do the 2024 PSQ convention